How to find your lost Android phone: tricks and apps

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Posted by Bryan Hunter on 21st November 2012

Today’s smartphones might as well be called super phones and living a connected, online life has become much easier; especially with the present generation of Android phones. Android Lost Phone AppsAndroid devices allow all manner of capabilities such as internet browsing, online banking, online shopping and much more. Furthermore, the capability of the modern phone means that individuals now treat their phones as storage device for images, passwords and other confidential data. This unfortunately means that the thought of losing the phone can cause significant worry and anxiety.

On the bright side however, there are a number of useful Apps that come to the rescue should the worst happen and you lose your device. Ideally, you should protect your Android phone by installing Android phone trackers such as remote antitheft and GPS location systems, the minute you get hold of the phone. Most of these Apps are available in the Android Play store and can be installed very easily on any Android phone. If you have not been able to install this type of App for whatever reason, there are still a number of ways to locate a lost or stolen device.

Contacting the service providers – most service providers have their own applications which may help you in locating the Android device. This should be the first thing you do. Try to  contact them immediately one you’ve aware of your loss to see if they can help you.

AndroidLost – this is a useful remote control application that helps in locating the device via Google maps and even plays a siren on the device with an SMS command. It provides plenty of other functions such as sending messages to your lost device, getting an email alert should the SIM card be changed and can also help lock the device under a remote command. Probably the most useful feature is the fact that you can wipe the phone’s data. The App also enables the camera to take a picture of its surroundings and with the online control feature you might get a pretty good idea about where the phone is.

Plan B – this is a free application made available by Lookout Mobile Security and one of the most useful aspects of this application is that it can be installed even after the Android phone has been lost. This is a full-spectrum protection software that offers antitheft, data backup and antivirus protection. Once the software has been installed, you can get an approximate location of the phone using Google Maps as well. This software can be installed very easily. Even if the GPS services have been turned off in your lost phone, this software will turn it back on.

Where’s My Droid – this is one of the premier applications in the Android Play store and once installed on the device can help in making the phone ring or alert people to the loss or theft. It can also deliver GPS coordinates of the device with the help of an SMS command. The App also has a Stealth Mode which means that you can send the phone an SMS with a certain keyword work and the phone will receive it in complete silence.

Written by: Bryan Hunter
Bryan is the founder of Phone Tips and Tricks which provides hundreds of tips, tricks and guides for smartphone users. While he isn't updating the website and blogging about phone related news, he will usually be found tinkering on his own wonder gadget.

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One response to “How to find your lost Android phone: tricks and apps”

  1. ambreen11 says:

    I think one of the easiest protections is to passcode lock or pattern
    lock your phone. If nothing else, makes it hard for someone to get to
    your info. They have to wipe your phone. Only issue is if you have a
    memory card as that stuff will still be something they can access. For
    that reason, I’m actually now seeing an advantage to phones without
    memory card slots.